AppLovin ALX

Reach your ideal audience on mobile with the leading in-app RTB exchange

AppLovin Exchange (ALX) unlocks access to premium, global, brand-safe inventory through 120+ premium DSPs and 140,000+ apps.

Why choose ALX?

Massive Reach. Direct Path. Premium Audiences.

ALX leverages mobile’s largest mediation platform, MAX, for 100% of the supply we represent, delivering full access to every impression opportunity.

Massive Reach


Total apps

1.8 Billion+

Mobile devices

Direct Access


Premium DSPs


AppLovin apps

We’re trusted by top brands


Brand Logos


Brand Logos

Key Features

Direct Access

Access to supply transacted in diverse set of auctions

No Hidden Fees

First-price auctions with no hidden buyer fees


Efficient pricing and access to more strategic supply partnerships

Brand-Safe Environment

Superior brand protection and integration with IAB’s Open Measurement SDK

Create a better ad experience. It matters.

ALX supports all major ad formats, including native and rich media, giving brands premium canvases to tell their stories and engage users in relevant and meaningful ways.

person laying on back using phone

High quality mobile users

ALX delivers the scale, transparency, and massive reach to help you and your clients reach the highest quality mobile users, measure campaign effectiveness, and efficiently scale your campaigns to reach new heights of growth and performance.

ALX offers unparalleled reach and scale to premium mobile inventory